Edmundite Campus Ministry
Saint Michael’s College was founded by the Society of St. Edmund. The core Edmundite values of social justice, education, spiritual renewal and ministry are expressed throughout the college, but importantly through our Campus Ministry.
As a Roman Catholic college, we’re committed to help students, staff, and faculty reflect on and celebrate the spiritual and religious dimensions of their lives. We welcome all students who want to explore how thinking and talking about God, values, responsibility to others, the nature of life and the question of a soul can be an important part of education and personal development.
From retreats and spiritual counseling to VITA peer ministers and M.O.V.E. volunteer opportunities to programming through the Edmundite Center for Peace and Justice, we offer many ways for students to explore their spiritual beliefs and serve the community. Saint Anne’s Shrine in Isle La Motte serves as our satellite campus for retreats.

The Edmundite Liturgical Music Scholarship
An award reserved for students admitted to Saint Michael’s College with musical talent that wish to become an integral part of the liturgical music ministry program.

Campus Ministry Programs
All Saint Michael’s students, staff, and faculty of all faiths are encouraged to take part in any campus ministry programs, whatever your interest or skill. You can participate as often as you’d like–weekly or even just once or twice.
Baptism, Wedding, and Funeral Guidelines
For more information about how to hold a baptism, wedding or funeral at Saint Michael’s College, please follow these guidelines.
Mass Schedule
Daily Mass Schedule
Monday-Friday at 11:30 a.m.
Sunday Masses
11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Spanish Mass
Monday, September 2, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.
Please approach the celebration of Mass with charity and love for our clergy and faith community by staying home if you are sick or not feeling well.
Prayer and Reconciliation
Morning Prayer
7:30 a.m. Monday to Friday, College Chapel – Back Altar Space
Evening Prayer with Society of St. Edmund
5:10 p.m. Nicolle Hall Chapel
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Fourth Sunday of each month after each Mass or by appointment any time.
Download Our Bulletin
2020 Bulletins
2019 Bulletins
December 2019
November 2019
September/October 2019
April 2019
March 2019
February 2019
2018 Bulletins
December 2018
November 2018
October 2018
September 2018
2017 Bulletins
Liturgical Music
Primarily composed of undergraduate students, the Saint Michael’s College Liturgical Choir and Ensemble also proudly includes members from the wider worshipping community. The main function of the group is to facilitate sung prayer.
Under the direction of Jerome Monachino ’91, the group is characterized by an original, eclectic musical style utilizing African, Latin American, and Irish flavors to compliment traditional hymn singing. The Liturgical Choir celebrates prayer in song at most Sunday liturgies and at all major feasts of the liturgical year.
For more information, please contact Jerome Monachino.
Click to watch Rev. Brian Cummings, S.S.E. Director of Edmundite Campus Ministry and Jerome Monachino, Director of Liturgical Music, discuss music ministry, its place in the liturgy and its role in attracting students, particularly from the Catholic community, to attend Saint Michael’s College.
Our Mission
Edmundite Campus Ministry Mission Statement
The mission of Edmundite Campus Ministry at Saint Michael’s College is to share the Good News of the Gospel with the College community by facilitating encounter with Jesus Christ. We do this through the celebration of the Church’s Liturgy, in programs promoting knowledge of the Catholic faith, by developing ecumenical and interreligious relationships, and providing retreats and other opportunities for personal spiritual growth.
The Catholic and Edmundite tradition upon which the College was founded is grounded in the conviction that all women and men are created in the image and likeness of God providing a special dignity unique to each person. Such dignity requires human life to be respected in all of its stages recognizing that we are all children of God.
Therefore, in its pursuit of furthering the Reign of God, the Edmundite Campus Ministry staff seeks to interact with and support every member of the College community in their search for Truth, contributing to the “enhancement of the human person and to the advancement of human culture in light of the Catholic faith.”
Contact Us
Office of Edmundite Campus
Alliot Student Center, Room 132
Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Edmundite Campus Ministry Office
Saint Michael’s College
One Winooski Park, Box 271
Colchester, VT 05439
Directions to Saint Michael’s College.
Campus map
Mass Schedule
Daily Mass Schedule
Monday-Friday at 11:30 a.m.
Sunday Masses
11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Spanish Mass
Monday, September 2, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.
Please approach the celebration of Mass with charity and love for our clergy and faith community by staying home if you are sick or not feeling well.
Prayer and Reconciliation
Morning Prayer
7:30 a.m. Monday to Friday, College Chapel – Back Altar Space
Evening Prayer with Society of St. Edmund
5:10 p.m. Nicolle Hall Chapel
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Fourth Sunday of each month after each Mass or by appointment any time.
Download Our Bulletin
2020 Bulletins
2019 Bulletins
December 2019
November 2019
September/October 2019
April 2019
March 2019
February 2019
2018 Bulletins
December 2018
November 2018
October 2018
September 2018
2017 Bulletins
Liturgical Music
Primarily composed of undergraduate students, the Saint Michael’s College Liturgical Choir and Ensemble also proudly includes members from the wider worshipping community. The main function of the group is to facilitate sung prayer.
Under the direction of Jerome Monachino ’91, the group is characterized by an original, eclectic musical style utilizing African, Latin American, and Irish flavors to compliment traditional hymn singing. The Liturgical Choir celebrates prayer in song at most Sunday liturgies and at all major feasts of the liturgical year.
For more information, please contact Jerome Monachino.
Click to watch Rev. Brian Cummings, S.S.E. Director of Edmundite Campus Ministry and Jerome Monachino, Director of Liturgical Music, discuss music ministry, its place in the liturgy and its role in attracting students, particularly from the Catholic community, to attend Saint Michael’s College.
Our Mission
Edmundite Campus Ministry Mission Statement
The mission of Edmundite Campus Ministry at Saint Michael’s College is to share the Good News of the Gospel with the College community by facilitating encounter with Jesus Christ. We do this through the celebration of the Church’s Liturgy, in programs promoting knowledge of the Catholic faith, by developing ecumenical and interreligious relationships, and providing retreats and other opportunities for personal spiritual growth.
The Catholic and Edmundite tradition upon which the College was founded is grounded in the conviction that all women and men are created in the image and likeness of God providing a special dignity unique to each person. Such dignity requires human life to be respected in all of its stages recognizing that we are all children of God.
Therefore, in its pursuit of furthering the Reign of God, the Edmundite Campus Ministry staff seeks to interact with and support every member of the College community in their search for Truth, contributing to the “enhancement of the human person and to the advancement of human culture in light of the Catholic faith.”
Contact Us
Office of Edmundite Campus
Alliot Student Center, Room 132
Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Edmundite Campus Ministry Office
Saint Michael’s College
One Winooski Park, Box 271
Colchester, VT 05439
Directions to Saint Michael’s College.
Campus map